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Growing up in a family involved with environmental and conservation organizations, I had the opportunity to experience the natural environment both from a science and conservation background. Many of my earliest mentors who fostered my spirit in conservation and sustainability were wildlife biologists, conservationists, wetland specialists, wildlife artists, federal game wardens, hunters and grassroots volunteers. Their passion to conserve, protect and restore the soil, forests, water, and other natural resources of our planet where ingrained in me from a very early age. 


Carrying this experience and passion for the outdoors into my professional and private life has allowed me to continue the legacy of my early mentors.  As a landscape architect I understand that as professionals we must walk an ethical line balancing the needs of humans while protecting the natural environment.  As a designer I try to bring this ethic into every project I work on.


As an outdoor enthusiast this has led to my continued interest in volunteering during much of my free time, helping conservation groups in restoring and protecting many of America's wild places.  From restoring trout habitat along mountain streams, to tracking Mexican Grey wolves through the Gila Wilderness, to assisting the National Park and U.S. Forest service in trail restoration or rapid inventory assessments I have had the opportunity to see and learn firsthand the importance of conservation and the need for sustainable and ethical design.

"A town is saved, not more by the righteous men in it than by the woods and swamps that surround it." - Henry David Thoreau

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